Getting to know Mum and Dad; Interview #2 Disa

My name is Disa, and I have a beautiful 11 month old baby girl called Penelope. We currently live in Chepstow, and have been surviving on little sleep for almost a year, it’s fun being a zombie!

Getting to know you.

If you could live anywhere in the world other than your current home where would it be?  If I could live anywhere in the world I would choose Canada, even though I have never been! But so long as I’m close to the seaside/coast I would be forever happy!

Do you have any hobbies? I’ve never really had hobbies, which sucks.  I’m pretty simple in that I like watching telly, I love history and exploring any places rich in it. Aaaaaand entertaining Penny is my new hobby (I’m boring!).

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? 1, that all those in my life and anyone I have ever crossed paths with, live a long, healthy and happy life. 2, that penny has a childhood and life she will always be happy about. 3, I wish I had a farm, with a lake, animals and my own vegetables!

Did you go to college/university? what did you study?  I went to college and Uni, failed my first year doing Psychology. But this meant I ended up doing a degree in Public Services, and it was incredible, loved every second and would recommend the course to anyone!!

Describe yourself in 5 words.  Kind, Curious, Empathetic, Forgiving, and Joyous!

What is your biggest dream/aspiration? My biggest aspiration was to be a Mummy one day, and now I am!! But beyond that, live a life I am proud of

Do you have any pets? No pets right now, a baby is enough. But when we stop renting, a cat is first thing on the list!

Whats your favourite TV programmes?  Game of Thrones, Desperate Housewives, People just do nothing, This Country (both of these are hilarious, try them!!), Catfish, any History documentaries. If I piss myself or learn something, I’ll watch it basically!


Controversial questions

Breastfeed or Bottle feed? I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding, but purely because it makes me sad that some people have negative views towards it. I breastfeed and use formula, some people do just one. Every mum is different, and every baby is different and I firmly believe that you do what is right and feels comfortable for you. And don’t feel guilty whatever you choose to do, so long as you don’t feed your baby crack…its fine!

Stay at home mum or working mum?  I’m a working mum. I always imagined I would suit the role of “pie making, apron wearing, perfect mum”. Firstly, that’s not real. And secondly, for me, being at home every day with Penny didn’t do any favours for my self esteem or mental health. Don’t get me wrong I love every second being with her, but those three days a week at work are worth it for my mood, and it makes me cherish the time I have with her much more.

Have you used the cry it out method, if no would you?  I’ve tried the cry it out method (okay twice), for all of 15 minutes, until she screamed so hard both times she did a poo. It didn’t work for me, but who knows, I’m tired, there’s no saying I won’t try it again.

Did/Do you use dummies? we don’t use dummies, we have tried on and off in the past but she would just chew them and throw them away. I was always told “awww don’t use a dummy or you’ll regret it”. Which I don’t believe, babies find comfort in different things. One persons dummy is another persons boob, or teddy!!! Hahahaha

Have/would you co-sleep? We have co-slept on and off since day one, and it’s worked and still does work for us. So long as it’s done safely, and you’re happy to do it, go for it. If you’re baby sleeps happily in the cot and you’re happy with it that way, good on ya (so jealous!!! Haha).

Would you smack your child for discipline? (gentle smack on the hand/bum)  Personally, I don’t agree with physical discipline, mainly as I would want my child to grow to understand that communication is the best way to resolve anything! But I haven’t had any tantrums yet, Penny is so young, I don’t think my opinion is truly valid on this.


Parenting questions

Whats the best/ worst piece of advice you’ve received? Best advice- don’t worry too much, which is easier said than done, but just use your instinct, it really works! Worst advice- breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt and if it does, you’re doing it wrong! NO! It did hurt, and we did fine. How can anyone expect a baby sucking on your nipple 20 hours a day not to hurt at first? Come on!!

How have you changed since becoming a parent? . I would say I am more patient, you have to be! You’re surviving on no sleep, and no “me time”. Also, being a mum brings out your evolutionary side, I feel strong, powerful, and not willing to put up with any shit (okay, I am still a pussy, but not where it counts!!). Your learn what’s important in life, and remind yourself what really matters, which is humbling

Whats been the most difficult part about pregnancy/parenting? I adored pregnancy, and I would do it all again, and I would be pregnant forever if I could. Parenting, IS A 24/7 JOB, PEOPLE AINT LYING!!! I never believed that, you get used to it, but it is so hard to put any time aside for yourself. And as a woman, I think I criticised my body regularly before…WHY?!! I’d give a lung to have my old body. That takes some getting used too! All totally worth it though. And I never want Penny to hear me slagging myself off, so I need to get a grip on that before she’s old enough to understand!!

Do you think men often get overlooked and don’t get enough credit as parents? Yes!! Don’t we want everyone to be treated equal? Well that counts for dad too!!!! And while I believe they deserve every ounce of appreciation, as do we! I am lucky, in that Phil does as much as I would ever imagine I could wish a partner/father to do. Dads want to be involved, they deserve to be, and they’re just like us! I hate comments like “awwww ain’t he good? Does he do this? Does he do that?”. Yeah he’s a PARENT, just like me.

Did you have an idea of the type of parent you wanted to be and have you lived up to your own expectations? I had no idea, I always knew she would arrive and my whole world would have meaning. And it does! And I am proud of myself every day, it takes a lot of working keeping a human happy. I am also surprised on what you can do with so little sleep!

Have you received any negative comments since being a parent? No negatives. I’ve been lucky to breastfeed in public and no one even care (thank god!).

Would you like more children? YES, and NO! It’s hard, tiring, and expensive. But so rewarding. Right now I would say I am not ready for another, but who knows what the future holds. I would love Penny to have a mate to grow up with!!

Do you have a good support system around you if you need a break?  Phil is my rock, and I have no idea what I would do without him I really don’t! And I have the best family, and friends I can go too anytime for anything! Unfortunately we don’t live near either of our family or friends, so I do miss out on people “popping in”, but that’s okay! What we have works perfectly for us, and I never forget how lucky I am!

Whats you favourite thing about being a parent? Watching her learn, grow, see the world. It really is like you’re witnessing everything for the first time all over again. Every thing she does makes my heart so happy I worry its gonna POP! You never understand unconditional love until you have a baby, and I am so happy I have had the honour and privilege to experience all that I have so far!

Lastly, if you could give a soon to be mum/dad one piece of advice what would it be? Do it YOUR way. If you are happy, be blissfully happy, and do not be ashamed of it! If you’re struggling, speak up, be open, someone will always be there to help, and do not be ashamed of it! Embrace each emotion, and know that your little person thinks you’re perfect, and all that you are, is all that they will ever need.

